S. motel
15421 Southwest 39th Terrace, Miami, FL 33185, USA
$3,980,000 - Motels

Price : $3.6 M CAD

Annual Avg. Revenue : $ 730,000 (Room Only)

Annual Net Income : $320,000+

58 Units / 1.65 Acres

Very good condition : 1.2 M renovation

Sales after 8 years of operation at 70s

Population : 4,900

Avg Household Income: ($83,200)

BC Avg: $52,700

Oil, Natural Gas(Shale Rock Gas), Forestry,

Tourism (300,000 yearly from or to Alaska)

Great potential to increase the revenue

Vibrant community with new Oil, Gas projects

1.5 M down / The rest owner carry possible(25yrs)

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