For Sale $2,300,000 - Commercial Properties
Detailed Information
Lot Size : 0.34 Acres / 14,778 sqft
Gross B/D Area : 6,059 sqft
Property Assessment Value : $1,420,200
Gross Rental Income : $84,192/yr (4 Tenants)
Property Tax : $23,946.08(2015) / Insurance : $2,800
* BD Profile
1st Floor : Convenience (2,500 sqft / $2,500 per month)
Hair Shop (1,000 sqft / $1,516 per month)
Store (1,000 sqft / $1,000 per month)
2nd Floor : 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath House
(About 2,000 sqft / $2,000 per month)
* Future Potential
FSR : 1.5
Buildable Area : 22,167 sqft
10,000 sqft of Commercial : $150,000/YR net income
(10,000 sqft x $15/sqft)
3.5% CAP = 4.3M
12,000 sqft of multi-family : 15 units of 800 sqft
15x$500,000 = 7.5M
Total Potential Market Price : 11.8 M
B/D Cost : 22,000 sqft x $250/sqft = 5.5 M
Property Aquirement Cost = 2.3 M
Projected Profit : 4 M